Inequality is the pandemic

These are tough times for many people across the planet, particularly in countries of the global south, like Guatemala and Honduras. Tough times caused by the “normal pandemics” of poverty and exploitation, racism and discriminations, violence and dispossession, corruption and impunity, and the unequal nation-state system – all now worsened by Covid19.

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Tucson Star article: US & Canada support Honduran drug trafficking regime that forces many to migrate

“What Hondurans long suspected and Americans later found out was that the president of Honduras, who has functional control of all branches of government, is also deeply implicated in drug trafficking to the United States. … Not surprisingly, a country run by organized crime became consumed by [drug trafficking] from top to bottom.”

“The United States has protected corrupt politicians, the United States has protected drug traffickers,” said Bartolo Fuentes, a one-time member of Congress and migrant-rights activist who lives in El Progreso, Honduras. “They know (President Hernandez) is a criminal, but he is servile. Whatever they ask, he does.”

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