11th Anniversary - Killing of Adolfo Ich Chaman Landmark lawsuits continue in Canada, seeking justice for this, and other Hudbay Minerals-linked repression

Rights Action remembers and honors Adolfo Ich Chaman, a Mayan Q’eqchi’ environmental, territorial, human rights defender, assassinated September 27, 2009, by Hudbay Mineral’s security guards

Photo: James Rodriguez 

Photo: James Rodriguez

11 years since Adolfo Ich was killed by private security guards hired by Hudbay Minerals and its subsidiary company CGN, in El Estor, Izabal, Guatemala.

11 years since German Chub was shot and left paralyzed by Hudbay/CGN security guards, that same day.

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11 years since Adolfo Ich’s widow Angelica Choc, German Chub and eleven gang-rape victims from the village of Lote 8 initiated the Hudbay Minerals lawsuits in Canadian courts – proceeding despite extraordinary obstacles and odds.

A message from El Estor

11 years of on-going environmental devastation, mining corruption and repression in the Q’eqchi’ communities of El Estor, as Swiss mining company Solway Investment Group is doing now what Hudbay Minerals and Skye Resources were doing 2004-2011, what INCO did in the 1970s and 80s.
11 years of strength and dignity of Angelica, German and the Lote 8 women, doing what Canadian and Swiss politicians and courts should do, what the Canadian and Swiss media and citizens should do – hold ourselves accountable when our governments, investment firms and companies commit crimes, human rights violations and environmental harms in other countries.

Thank-you Adolfo Ich
Thank-you Angelica, German and the Lote 8 women
Justice must be done for these victims of Hudbay’s mining repression

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  • Choc vs. Hudbay: 5 minute film by James Rodriguez. Interview with Angelica Choc, September 27, 2016 commemoration of Adolfo Ich: https://vimeo.com/191327705

  • Hudbay Minerals lawsuits hearing: September 30, 2020, Toronto, Canada

  • More information/ To support Hudbay Minerals lawsuits (Canada) and Mynor Padilla murder and assault trial (Guatemala): Grahame Russell, info@rightsaction.orgwww.rightsaction.org