Hudbay Minerals lawsuits September 30, 2020, hearing Archives & Photo Gallery

For reasons related to Covid-19, the landmark Hudbay Minerals lawsuits were suspended earlier this year.
Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2020, 10am
The lawsuits will continue, with a ‘virtual hearing’ in Toronto.  (We are seeking information as to whether the public will be able to listen, ‘virtually’.)
On this day, the Ontario Superior Court will be hearing an appeal, by Hudbay Minerals, of a January 2020 decision strongly in favour of the 11 of the Q’eqchi’ plaintiffs, victims of the 2007 gang-rapes linked to Hudbay Minerals (then Skye Resources).

Photo Gallery
In addition to this, we are pleased to upload this initial “Hudbay Minerals lawsuits” photo gallery: -

Here, a few :

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Recent information
Hudbay Minerals to appeal ruling of Canadian court in favour of Maya Q’eqchi’ plaintiffs from Guatemala
On January 21, 2020, the Superior Court of Justice in Ontario ruled in favour of the Plaintiffs on all points, confirming that the Maya Q’eqchi’ victims of mining harms can and are suing Hudbay not only for the rapes committed by the mining company’s security personnel, but also for the rapes committed at the same time by Guatemalan police and military. (These precedent-setting corporate accountability awsuits were first filed in Ontario courts in 2010 and 2011.)
Will justice be possible in Canada or Guatemala for Hudbay Minerals mining repression?
By Grahame Russell, May 22, 2020,
In a Financial Post interview, January 23, 2020, Hudbay Minerals president and CEO Peter Kukielski said Hudbay would settle the landmark Hudbay Minerals lawsuits: “We obviously want to get that behind us.”  Kukielski was interviewed by the Financial Post right after the Ontario Superior Court ruled against Hudbay in an Amendments motion hearing, confirming that Hudbay can be held legally accountable for the rapes committed by company security personnel, and the Guatemalan police and soldiers.

Plaintiffs’ lawyers

General information
About Mayan Q’eqchi justice and territorial defense struggles related to Hudbay’s former mining operation in Guatemala, now owned and operated by Solway Investment Group: Grahame Russell, Rights Action,

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