Guatemala Election Watch #8

Corrupted special prosecutor’s office attempts illegal arrest of Supreme Electoral Tribunal official for not suspending Semilla Party, as illegally ordered by a corrupt judge

29 days to go to August 20th run-off vote

On July 20, Rafael Curruchiche, the corrupt director of FECI (Special Prosecutor's Office against Impunity), confirmed that a police raid (illegal) was carried out at the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), to arrest Eleanora Castillo, director of the Citizen Registry, who is facing trumped up charges of obstruction of justice. The arrest warrant was (illegally) authorized by corrupt judge Fredy Orellana, who had initially (and illegally) ordered the suspension of Semilla party.

FECI y juez Orellana buscan detener a directora interina del Registro de Ciudadanos
By Por Alexander Valdéz, July 20, 2023, Prensa Comunitaria

Under the veneer of “legality”, the Covenant of the Corrupt government of Guatemala – long-time “democratic allie” of the US and Canada - continues to use the administration of justice and legal system as tools of war, increasing attacks on the electoral process and to prevent the participation of the Semilla Party in the August 20 run-off Presidential election.
Rights Action continues calls for Americans and Canadians to share this information widely (including media outlets), and to directly contact your Senators, Members of Congress and Parliamentarians, and urge them to make public statements and bring all pressures to bear on the Guatemalan authorities to ensure that the electoral process proceeds transparently and peacefully and that the Semilla Party is allowed to participate fully with no further attacks of any kind.

As the regime continues with its “lawfare”, it would be wrong to rule out the use of State repression against the general public and/or targeted attacks against members of the Semilla Party as August 20 approaches.
Grahame Russell

Guatemala Election Watch #1 – July 2, 2023
Real democracy in Guatemala? Semilla Party now favored to win Presidential election on August 20
Guatemala Election Watch #2 – July 3, 2023
Is the electoral fraud fix in, in Guatemala? ‘Covenant of the Corrupt’ regime weaponizing legal system to attack Semilla Party electoral results
Guatemala Election Watch #3 – July 10, 2023
Electoral re-count re-confirms Semilla Movement Party success in first round of Presidential Election
Guatemala Election Watch #4 – July 13, 2023
Coup d'état being attempted in Guatemala. Semilla Party "suspended" from elections
Guatemala Election Watch #5 – July 14, 2023
Corrupted “suspension” order defeated, provisionally!
Risk increases that corrupted criminal charges will be filed against Semilla Party members
Guatemala Election Watch #6 – July 18, 2023
Semilla Party relaunches run-off campaign
Guatemala Election Watch #7 – July 19, 2023
Corrupted Public Prosecutor's Office orders arrest of Semilla Party members
Attacks intensify against elections and favored Semilla Party

Movimiento Semilla party
Facebook: MovimientoSemilla
Twitter: @semillagt

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