BERTA SOY YO - Released today: August 18, 2022

Who killed Berta Caceres, and for what reasons?

With great emotion, Rights Action shares information about this moving film, directed for 9 years by Katia Lara and her team.

BERTA SOY YO (Spanish with English subtitles) will provide insight into the life, vision and struggles of Berta Cáceres, assassinated the night of March 2, 2016, in La Esperanza, Intibuca, Honduras.

BERTA SOY YO is a hugely important contribution to continue multiplying the word (la palabra) of Berta, her vision, dignity and leadership.

The story takes place in Honduras, an extremely dangerous country for defenders of territory, human rights and the environment.

Since the military coup d'état (supported and 'legitimized' by the U.S. and Canada) on June 27, 2009, Honduras has been brutally controlled by a regime dominated by the National Party, the economic-military elites, and led by Narco-President Juan Orlando Hernandez, recently extradited to the U.S. for drug trafficking.

The intellectual authors of Berta's murder - and there are many among these economic/political/military elites of the Narco-Regime - never imagined the international reach of the anger provoked by this political crime that ended the life of a land, human rights and environmental defender loved and respected by the Honduran people, embraced by Pope Francis, and internationally recognized with the Goldman Environmental Prize.

Berta's case continues in impunity, despite the fact that she herself denounced those who plotted to kill her, despite the fact that there was a witness to the horror of that night: the Mexican human rights, land and environmental defender Gustavo Castro.

Six years after the crime, this film by Katia Lara, a determined and courageous director, is being released. Nine years ago, Katia arrived for the first time, camera in hand, at the Lenca community camp, organized to defend the Gualcarque River.

Berta Soy Yo exalts life, through the struggle of the Lenca and Garífuna peoples of Honduras, who continue to defend their territory, rights and culture against all forms of imperialism, colonialism and neo-colonialism.

In the film, Milton Benitez, a persevering Honduran journalist, follows the clues noted by Berta in the meeting they held the day before her assassination. With the help of international lawyer Almudena Bernabeu, he pieces together the puzzle.

The assassination, financed and planned by private companies and investors in collusion with public officials, forges the pattern of death. Pieces of an unpublished archives and unsuspected testimonies fit together. The story increases in complexity, seeking to answer the question: Who and what killed Berta?

Multiplying Berta's vision, dignity and leadership
Rights Action encourages everyone to follow Berta Soy Yo's social media feeds, and share their information widely. Rights Action encourages you to promote the screening of the film in your communities and theaters.

More information


Rights Action Archives, COPINH and Berta:

Berta Caceres: Who She Is & What She Lived For
6th anniversary of her assassination by U.S. & Canadian-backed Honduran regime
By Grahame Russell, March 3, 2022