Guatemala backgrounder Who the U.S., Canada & “international community” do ‘business-as-usual’ with in Guatemala; Why 10s of 1000s of impoverished, fearful Guatemalans flee into exile, every year

In 1985, with the country in a deep economic crisis, Guatemala's military rulers announced a new economic package that included a rise in the measly taxes imposed on the business sector. The lobby that represented the most powerful businesses in the country was furious.

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Wet’suwet’en: We're not leaving

From pipelines across the Wet’suwet’en Nation, to mining, bananas and tourist enclaves in Guatemala and Honduras, who does the local-to-global economy benefit? Who and what suffer the harms and violence? Inside Canada and beyond our borders, "law and order" are enforced (often violently) to benefit who? Against who and what?

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