U.S. company Aura Minerals threatening members of Azacualpa Environmental Committee in Honduras

More charges of environmental harms & human rights violations filed against company

On August 25, 2020, an Aura Minerals (and its Honduran subsidiary MINOSA) truck parked outside the home of Hector Antonio Trigueros, a member of the Azacualpa Environmental Committee that is at the forefront of denouncing Aura/MINOSA environmental harms and human rights violations, including the imminent destruction of the 200 year-old Azacualpa cemetery and entire village of Azacualapa.

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This latest incident of Aura/MINOSA harassment occurred the same day that the Azacualpa Environment Committee met with their lawyers to denounce the most recent destruction caused by the use of dynamite under the Azacualpa cemetery.
Blowing up Azacualpa Cemetery hill
Watch, as Aura Minerals (U.S. company, trading on Toronto stock exchange) “gets on with normal” in times of Covid19, blowing up this mountain, on top of which is the 200 year old Azacualpa Cemetery, in behind of which lies the community itself of Azacualpa.

Criminal denunciation against Aura/MINOSA and its manager
Lawyers with the Bufete Estudios para la Dignidad (BED) filed criminal denunciations against Aura/MINOSA and its manager – Luis De Lima – for destruction to the cemetery, graves, roads and homes nearby caused by the recent dynamiting of Azacualpa Cemetery Hill. This criminal denunciation is added to previous ones against Aura/MINOSA for environmental harms, the illegal digging up of graves and the desecration of bodies.
Aura/MINOSA ties to drug-trafficking
It was reported July 7, 2020, that the owners of INCOBE, a Honduran heavy machinery company partnered with Aura Minerals (until 2016, a Canadian company), must remain in pre-trial detention. They are accused of involvement with drug-trafficking organized crime.
Mining impunity & corruption, enabled by U.S. & Canadian governments, military-backed Honduran regime
There appears to be no end in sight to the harms and destruction committed by Aura/MINOSA, supported for years by the Canadian government (until recently, Aura was primarily a Canadian company), the U.S. government (Aura is based in Florida) and the corrupt, repressive regime of Honduras itself.
To learn more about the Azacualpa Environmental Community and their long standing defense of their lands, rights and 200 year-old cemetery:


More information

Regular updates, Honduran issues
Aura Minerals/MINOSA
+1 305-239-9332
78 SW 7th St, Aura Minerals @ WeWork, Miami, FL 33130, USA
Craigmuir Chambers, PO Box 71, VG1110, British Virgin Islands
155 University Ave, Toronto, ON M5H 4B6, Canada
Rodrigo Barbosa, President & CEO, rbarbosa@auraminerals.com;
Sergio Castanho, SCastanho@auraminerals.com;
João Kleber Cardoso, kcardoso@auraminerals.com;
Richmond Fenn, rfenn@auraminerals.com;
Monty Reed, mreed@auraminerals.com;
Rodrigo Barbosa, President & CEO, rbarbosa@auraminerals.com;
Stephen Keith, snskeith@gmail.com;
Philip Reade, philip.reade@outlook.com;

Rights Action’s Covid19 & Community defense fund
Supporting indigenous & campesino communities, Honduras & Guatemala

Source: https://mailchi.mp/rightsaction/us-company...