Update, archives, & photo gallery

The Azacualpa community defense struggle continues in Honduras in times of Covid19 and the military-backed Narco-Regime in power, against environmental harms & human rights violations caused by U.S.-based Aura Minerals

This land/ environmental/ human rights defense struggle in western Honduras goes back some 15 years. Rights Action has been actively involved since 2014 when their struggle became increasingly tense as the U.S.-mining company Aura Minerals (formerly a Canadian company) started to illegally exhume bodies from the 200 year-old Azacualpa Cemetery, to get at the gold underneath, … and from there to proceed to mine further up the mountain ridge through the actual community of Azacualpa.

Dynamiting, even in times of Covid19
The Azacualpa Environmental Committee denounced on August 16, 2020, that Aura Minerals (supported by the military-backed, Narco-Regime in power) is using dynamite every day, blowing up the earth and rock, moving ever closer to their 200 year-old cemetery and the community itself of Azacualpa.

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To learn more about the Azacualpa Environmental Community and their long standing defense of their lands and rights, and their 200 year-old cemetery, check out the newly created archives and photo gallery:

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