Pan American Silver facing lawsuit in Guatemala for damages to property and life in village of La Cuchilla

In 2019, Pan American Silver (that purchased Tahoe Resources in 2019) chose, through a landmark lawsuit in Canada, to pay reparations to Guatemalan victims of Tahoe Resources’ mining repression and violence that occurred in 2013 (

With its mining operation suspended since 2018 due to a decision of the Constitutional Court of Guatemala, Pan American Silver is now also facing a lawsuit for damages to property and life in the village of La Cuchilla due to the use of explosives.

Photo by Carolyn Cole, Los Angeles Times, December 27, 2017

Photo by Carolyn Cole, Los Angeles Times, December 27, 2017

Since 2012, Rights Action has been supporting the human rights, land and environmental defense struggles of communities harmed by Pan American Silver (Tahoe Resources) mining operations.

Constitutional Court of Guatemala orders continuation of lawsuit against Pan American Silver (Canadian mining company, and its subsidiary San Rafael Mining) for violation of the right to housing of the La Cuchilla community, in San Rafael Las Flores, Santa Rosa

On August 5, 2021, the Constitutional Court ordered the continuation of a lawsuit against Pan American Silver/Minera San Rafael initiated by residents of La Cuchilla community in San Rafael Las Flores, department of Santa Rosa, Guatemala. They are suing the company for damages to their homes and land derived from the use of explosives for mining exploitation during the period 2013-2017, when the mining company operated in that region of Guatemala. During that period, the mine was operated by Tahoe Resources.

A ruling of suspension of the lawsuit was issued by the Thirteenth Civil Court of Appeals, on May 21, 2021. The Constitutional Court (file 3271-2021) ruled that the Thirteenth Civil Court of Appeals must continue with the lawsuit.

The plaintiffs are asking for the ordering of the DEFINITIVE SUSPENSION OF THE MINING LICENSE, an administrative action established in article 51 of the Mining Law that, to date, the Ministry of Energy and Mines has refused to issue.

San Rafael Las Flores, Santa Rosa
August 13, 2021

More information

In Canada/ U.S.: Grahame Russell,

Testimonio: Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocides in Guatemala
In our forthcoming book Testimonio, co-editors Catherine Nolin and Grahame Russell - and other authors - provide great detail about the systemic corruption and impunity, human rights violations and environmental harms that global (mainly Canadian) mining companies contribute to and benefit from in Guatemala, companies including: Pan American Silver (Tahoe Resources), Goldcorp Inc. (Glamis Gold), KCA (Radius Gold), and Hudbay Minerals (Skye Resources, Solway Investment Group).

Pan American Silver
Tel: (604) 684-1175
625 Howe Street, Suite 1440
Vancouver, BC, V6C 2T6 Canada

Archives: Pan American Silver
Find here ( information published and shared by Rights Action, from 2012 forward.