Overlapping pandemics in Honduras that are talked about, and not talked about

Writing about Honduras, Kirk Semple and the New York Times report that “As the coronavirus pandemic stalks the globe, some nations find themselves under extraordinary strain as they simultaneously contend with other outbreaks, chronic public health problems and challenges posed by government mismanagement, poverty and armed conflict.”

And Kirk Semple and the New York Times do not report on how “government mismanagement, poverty and armed conflict” in Honduras, a country ruled with an iron fist by a drug-trafficking, military-backed regime, are caused and supported by the U.S. and Canada, by North American companies and investment firms, and by the World Bank, IADB and IMF.

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Honduras’ 11 year nightmare of dengue and now COVID, drug-trafficking and military repression, impoverishment and forced migrancy, are U.S. and Canadian public policy at work.

  • Below: How to donate to Rights Action’s Covid19 Response Fund, providing emergency funds to communities and individuals in Honduras and Guatemala

In Some Nations, Coronavirus Is Only One of Many Outbreaks
By Kirk Semple, May 30, 2020

In countries like Honduras, the virus has diverted resources from efforts to fight other serious diseases, straining weak public health systems, draining supplies and unraveling hard-won gains.

Rights Action’s COVID-19 Response Fund
https://mailchi.mp/rightsaction/rights-action-covid19-response-fund-update (Updated: May 5, 2020

Rights Action continues to prioritize getting emergency funds to partner group in Guatemala and Honduras. Their Covid19 response work is about saving lives. The funds we are sending are drops in a bucket, and they are important.
Our work is also to contribute to discussion and hopefully empower political activism premised on the basic notion that: We are not “all in this together” / There should be no “getting back to normal”.