Ojala - Bilingual, on-line weekly dedicated to going deeper on issues of concern in Latin America

-- Rights Action recommends the Ojala news outlet --

Dawn breaks on January 29, 2024 at the La Chile Cooperative in Honduras' Aguán Valley region, where campesinos have reoccupied land they claim was seized by the Dinant corporation and have since faced multiple attacks by military, police, and private security.  Photo © Jared Olson.

Dear friends of Rights Action,

It’s been just over a year since I co-founded Ojalá, a bilingual weekly dedicated to going deeper on issues of concern in Latin America that don’t always get the treatment they deserve in the North American media.

After the election in Guatemala, for example, we ran a series of stories that helped explain the months long uprising that brought communal politics to the streets of the capital and pushed for respect for the vote and for justice for all.

We ran a story on the difficulties of bringing in equitable tax reform in Honduras, and the harsh realities on the ground for small farmers on the country’s north coast.

More recently we’ve shared perspectives on the Mexican election rarely available in the English media. 

At Ojalá we’ve trained our eye to social and communitarian movements, especially the growing feminist movement, and the cultural production they’ve inspired. We’re writing to invite you to join our weekly email newsletter, where we share our latest articles.


Hope to see you soon!

Dawn Marie Paley
Editor, co-founder