Mining companies on the Covid19 profiteering bandwagon

Canadian-dominated global mining industry “getting back to normal”, benefitting shareholders and investors in the global north, increasing Covid19 spread in the global south

“In the time of Covid-19, with entire populations under lockdown and economies falling apart, mining companies have also hopped on the pandemic profiteering bandwagon. […] Mining-affected people are up against multiple pandemics — health, economic, violence, militarization, and corporate capture. These are all getting worse as the Covid-19 pandemic intersects with the predatory mining industry in Latin America and other parts of the world.”
(Jen Moore)

Defending Land and Water from Mining Profiteers in the Time of Covid-19
Global South communities affected by mining face multiple pandemics — health, economic, violence, militarization, and corporate capture.
June 2, 2020, by Jen Moore

We may be wearing masks but our eyes are wide open saying NO to Megamining March 4, 2020, Esquel, Argentina. Credit: Nicolas Palacios

We may be wearing masks but our eyes are wide open saying NO to Megamining
March 4, 2020, Esquel, Argentina. Credit: Nicolas Palacios

Defending Land and Water from Mining Profiteers in the Time of Covid-19
Global South communities affected by mining face multiple pandemics — health, economic, violence, militarization, and corporate capture.
June 2, 2020, by Jen Moore

Rights Action’s COVID-19 Response Fund
Rights Action continues to prioritize getting emergency funds to partner groups - including mining-harmed communities - in Guatemala and Honduras. Their Covid19 response work is about saving lives. The funds we are sending are drops in a bucket, and they are important.
Our work is also to contribute to discussion and hopefully empower political activism premised on the basic notion that: We are not “all in this together” / There should be no “getting back to normal”.
COVID funding report (Updated: May 5, 2020)