Hudbay Minerals & other mining companies helping spread Covid19 around the world

While Hudbay benefits from a Covid19-related suspension of landmark lawsuits in Canada related to gang-rapes, murder, aggravated assault at it’s former mine in Guatemala, Hudbay continues operating it’s mine in Peru, putting workers’ and the public’s lives at risk.

  • Below: 18 workers test Covid19 positive at Hudbay Minerals’ mine in Peru (report by Health Network of the Chumbivilcas Province, Peru)

  • Below: Media reports about workers testing Covid19 positive at mining operations owned by: BHP Mining CompanyGlencore Canada CorporationFortuna Silver MinesAlamos GoldSolaris Resources (Equinox Gold)

Donate to Rights Action’s Covid19 Response Fund: See below

18 reported Covid19 cases at Hudbay Minerals mine in Peru
April 27, 2020,, (translated by Rights Action)

Hudbay’s La Constancia mine, Peru

Hudbay’s La Constancia mine, Peru

In a statement published today, the Health Network of the Chumbivilcas Province, in the Cusco region, reported that 18 workers of the Hudbay Minerals mining company were diagnosed as positive for Covid-19. 
On April 23 and 24, with the support of the Chumbivilcas Health Services Network, Micro Red Velille and Micro Red Livitaca, Hudbay conducted rapid tests on its workers. From the sample, 18 positive cases were identified, 1 of whom is someone originally from the district of Velille.

The 18 persons were reportedly transferred to Arequipa to comply with home confinement. However, this transfer was not made known to or authorized by the highest health authority of the Chumbivilcas Health Services Network.

The Regional Health Bureau of Cusco urges the mining company to duly notify the Chumbivilcas Health Network of the use of rapid tests, of suspected cases, and of confirmed cases within the jurisdiction of the province so as not to generate misunderstandings in the Chumbivilcana population.
It should be noted that Hudbay had said in a statement yesterday [April 26, 2020] that there were no cases of Covid-19 at the La Constancia Mining Unit, noting that they strictly follow everything established by the Government to prevent possible infections of coronavirus.

Unconstitutional mining operations in Peru
The pro-mining government of Peru provided mining companies with an exception to Covid19 emergency decrees. Peruvian legal experts conclude this mining exception is unconstitutional:

  • “Exoneración de la cuarentena de las grandes empresas mineras: ¿diferenciación justificada o trato discriminatorio inconstitucional que pone en peligro la salud y la vida?”, por Juan Carlos Ruiz Molleda, Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL),

Fortuna Silver mineworkers in Peru test Covid19 positive
Six workers at Canadian firm Fortuna Silver Mines’ Caylloma operation in southern Peru have tested positive for Covid-19.

Workers test Covid19 positive at BHP and Glencore mine in Peru
Reuters, April 27, 2020
LIMA — Peruvian copper mine Antamina, owned by global miners BHP and Glencore, reported 210 positive cases of coronavirus. The company said in a statement it discovered the cases while conducting 600 tests on its staff and contractors, 500 of which have been returned by the laboratory. It said that 87% of the positive cases were asymptomatic while those with signs of Covid-19 mostly had mild symptoms.

Environmentalists cleared from protest camp at Alamos Gold mine site in Turkey
MorningStar online, April 28, 2020,
TURKISH authorities have been blasted after they moved to clear a protest camp at a widely condemned mine development project, citing the Covid-19 pandemic — despite mine workers being forced to continue operations.
Solaris Resources (Equinox Gold) provoking Covid19 outbreak in Ecuador
“We write you today with grave concern about a potential COVID-19 outbreak provoked by Solaris Resources (Equinox Gold) in Indigenous Shuar Arutam territory in Ecuador, and the failure of the government and private actors to respond to the Shuar demands. We are collecting sign-ons which we hope can then help the PSHA to demonstrate that they have international support.”

This is Canadian public and private sector policy at work
This is the mining industry “operating as normal”

There should be no “getting back to normal”
We are not “all in this together”

More information

Rights Action’s COVID-19 Response Fund
Rights Action is providing emergency funds to partner group in Guatemala and Honduras. Their Covid19 response work is about saving lives. The funds we are sending are drops in a bucket, and they are important. Our work is also to contribute to empower political activism premised on the basic truth that: We are not “all in this together” / There should be no “getting back to normal”.

Recommended daily news:
Democracy Now’s “Coronavirus Report”

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