“Get out. Haitians have been telling Canada, United States, Europe to get out”

Stop ‘international community’ support for Haiti’s white war lords


Mainstream media in USA and Canada misleading public about Haiti

“Most of the time, in the mainstream media, it’s really white supremacist propaganda
that people are fed about Haiti.”
Jean Saint-Vil (Interview, Black Agenda Radio – see below)

“If you are not careful, the press will have you hating the people being repressed
and loving the people doing the repressing.”
Malcolm X

The CFPI (Canadian Foreign Policy Institute) announces

  • A letter writing campaign

  • A Webinar

Letter writing
Yesterday Canada’s Prime Minister, defence minister and foreign ministers all tweeted about a Canadian military transport plane delivering armoured vehicles to the Haitian police. The cargo plane landed in Port-au-Prince with a US Air Force aircraft and takes place as the US and Canada push for a new military intervention into the Caribbean nation.

But Haitians have been calling for Canada and the US to respect their sovereignty and stop dictating to them, not another foreign military occupation.

Take one minute to stand in solidarity with the Haitian people by emailing Canada’s foreign minister and opposition critics to say, “No Canadian military intervention in Haiti”.

On November 1 CFPI will be hosting the webinar "Crisis and Uprising" featuring Haitian-Canadian activist Jean Saint-Vil, poet El Jones, and Brian Concannon, director of the Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti.

CTV News recently Jean Saint-Vil saying, “Get out. Haitians have been telling Canada, the United States, Europe to get out.”


To Solve the Crisis Permanently, Force the US to Stop Backing Notorious White Warlords in Haiti
By Jafrikayiti (Jean Saint -Vil), 12 Oct 2022

Haiti's White War Lords
Podcast interview with Jean Saint-Vil, on the Black Agenda Radio with Margaret Kimberley, 21 Oct 2022

Six Ways the US and the International Community Can Help Haiti Without Armed Intervention
by Vélina Élysée Charlier, Alexandra Filippova and Tom Ricker
Just Security, October 19, 2022

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