Canadian mining in the aftermath of military-backed regime change in Peru

Coup d’etat in Peru, December 7, 2022. Illegitimate, military-backed government takes power. Various regions of the country are militarized. Over 50 protesters have been killed so far, and counting.
On cue, the Canadian government established full diplomatic relations with the regime and is aggressively promoting the expansion of the Canadian-led global mining industry in Peru.

"With Peruvian [post-coup] Minister Oscar Vera Gargurevich, we discussed mining investments that benefit communities and the country. Ready to support the [post-coup] government delegation to PDAC 2023 (, the world's most important mining exploration convention, March 5-8 in Toronto."

Representatives of Peru’s military-backed regime and mining sector will be in Toronto March 5-8, 2023, at the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada 2023 convention ( to make mining deals with companies and investors.
Violent police repression kills another protester in Peru, death toll rises to 54
Despite massive protests demanding her resignation, President Boluarte has refused to resign, while criminalizing social struggle and blaming protesters for inciting violence
January 20, 2023, by Peoples Dispatch
We know how this will go
There is no way the situation will go well for the majority population in Peru, even as the Canadian-led mining industry rushes into the regime change void to make deals with an illegitimate government.
Doc films: Canadian-led global mining industry in Peru

Mining in Honduras & Guatemala
In Rights Action’s work, we have seen repeatedly, for all too long, how U.S. and Canadian-backed military coups work out ...
Today, Honduras is barely digging itself out of the 13 year hole of corruption, impunity and ‘open for global business’ repression left by a military-backed, drug-tracking regime that came to power in June 2009 via a U.S. and Canadian-back military coup. After the coup, successive drug-trafficking regimes maintained full diplomatic, economic and military relations with the U.S. and Canadian-led “international community”.
Since a U.S. orchestrated coup ousted Guatemala’s last democratic government in 1954, the country has been ruled - more or less continuously - by military-backed, corrupt, ‘open for global business’ elites, through the U.S. backed State repression and genocides of the 1970s and 1980s, through to today.
TESTIMONIO-Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocides in Guatemala
Much of this Guatemalan story is documented in our 2021 book TESTIMONIO (https://www.testimoniothebook.org
Oh Canada
How will the Canadian electorate respond, this time, to the policies and actions of our government, corporations and investors?
Will the Canadian media, political over-sight bodies and judiciary do their jobs right and expose and hold accountable our government, and mining and investment industries for their policies and actions aiming to take advantage of and profit from the military-backed regime change in Peru, even as the body count climbs?
Grahame Russell

Rights Action
Since 1995, Rights Action funds land and environment, justice and human rights defense struggles, and community development projects in Guatemala and Honduras, as well as providing emergency relief funds (hurricanes, victims of repression, Covid19, etc.).
Rights Action works to hold accountable the U.S. and Canadian governments, multi-national companies, investors and banks (World Bank, etc.) that help cause and profit from exploitation and poverty, repression and human rights violations, environmental harms, corruption and impunity in Honduras and Guatemala.