Aura Minerals blowing up Azacualpa Cemetery hill

Watch, as Aura Minerals (US company, trading on Toronto exchange) “gets on with normal” in times of Covid19, blowing up this mountain (western Honduras) on top of which is the 200 year old Azacualpa Cemetery, in behind of which lies the community itself of Azacualpa.


Azacualpa cemetery hill.  The 200 year old cemetery sits perched on top of this hill that –since 2010– has been open-pit mined by Aura Minerals in all directions. Photo, October 2019, Azacualpa Environmental Committee

Azacualpa cemetery hill.  The 200 year old cemetery sits perched on top of this hill that –since 2010– has been open-pit mined by Aura Minerals in all directions. Photo, October 2019, Azacualpa Environmental Committee

Supported by the military-backed, drug-trafficking Honduran regime, US and Canadian governments and investors, Aura Minerals will not stop with its illegal destruction of the Azacualpa cemetery and community, unless the pressure comes from the US and Canada, the media, and investors.
The repressive Honduran regime (a “democratic allie” of the US and Canada, and member of Canada’s “lima group” trying to overthrow the democratic government of Venezuela) completely supports Aura Minerals, and the destruction of forests, mountains, cemeteries, communities and the livelihoods of thousands of people, many of who have been forced into exile, trying to get to the US.

ASONOG statement
August 20, 2020

Translation (by Rights Action)
At the insistence of the Aura Minerals company of [US &] Canadian capital, that threatens to mine for gold under the Azacualpa cemetery, La Union, Copan, the Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (ASONOG) declares:
1. We condemn this reprehensible act on the part of Aura Minerals that, knowing of the consistent opposition and resistance from the families of the community of Azacualpa, insists on mining the hill where the 200 year old community cemetery is found, where 1800 people are buried.
2. As an organization that defends the environment and human rights, ASONOG demands that the municipal government of La Union, Copan, directed by Victor Hugo Alvarodo, respect the decision taken by the municipal government that decided in an open town hall, January 11, 2015, that the land where the Azacualpa community cemetery is located is untouchable.
3. The fact of destroying cemetery hill, underneath and surrounding the cemetery, is an abominable act of evil. The company is obliging families, who oppose the exhumations of the remains of their loved ones, to do so by force, otherwise they run the risk of completely losing the remains of their loved ones as a result of the explosions and destruction of the hill.
4. We ask Mi Ambiente, IHGEOMIN, COPECO, and CONDADEH to order the company to begin actions to mitigate the damage caused, by filling in the exploded area around the cemetery in order to avoid landslides that cause major damage to the cemetery itself.
5. We call on national and international organizations to support the people of Azacualpa in their just claims for the complete repairing of all damages sustained thus far.
6. Repairing the damages will not be easy. Aura Minerals has been exploiting the San Andres mine since 2010, leaving as consequences social conflicts within and outside the community, irreparable damage to the environment and people's health and the even worse, environmental pollution damage to future generations through the Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), which will contaminate the entire sub-basin of the Higuito River reaching the Ulua River.
7. In May and June 2018, two injunctions were filed in court, in San Pedro Sula, requesting the suspension of the exhumations in the cemetery by Aura Minerals. This court ruled in favor of the suspension, but this decision was appealed to the Constitutional Court in Tegucigalpa, which, improperly, overruled the suspension order of the San Pedro Sula court, favoring the interests of the company. 
8. ASONOG reiterates its commitment to protect the environment and defend human rights. Our solidarity with the families of Azacualpa who are resisting the destruction of their cemetery will be expressed through new actions to protect and defend them.
Santa Rosa de Copan, August 19, 2020

Background: Azacualpa cemetery and community defense struggle
To learn more about the Azacualpa Environmental Community and their long standing defense of their lands and rights, and their 200 year-old cemetery, check out the newly created archives and photo gallery:

Support community defense and Covid19 response struggles in Guatemala and Honduras, including the Azacualpa Environmental Committee