A New Podcast for Your List

Jointly Venturing - Let's Talk About World Citizenship
Episode #27 Featuring Grahame Russell  


In today's episode we take an historical tour through the countries of Central America in an attempt to find the origins of today's multiple crises in the region and what can be done - in the spirit of world citizenship - to find a more peaceful, rights-affirming and prosperous way forward.

Hint: Meddling in your weaker neighbour's affairs is not part of the cure!

In Episode 27 we are delighted to talk with international human rights lawyer Grahame Russell of Rights Action (www.rightsaction.org), a non-profit agency that funds grassroots social justice movements in Guatemala and Honduras. Grahame has worked for decades in Central America and brings a vast knowledge of the region to today's episode. He forcefully argues that there are clear and unique reasons why Costa Rica stands out so dramatically as the success story of the region, and why countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and others continue to struggle with so much violence, hardship and social crisis and human rights violations.

Delving into issues as diverse as the nefarious role of the United Fruit Company, the ongoing impacts of the Monroe Doctrine, repeated invasions of countries in the region by the United States, assassinations of local human rights advocates and the positive role of grassroots organising as a key remedy for the problems facing this region, Episode 27 will be of interest to world citizens everywhere.

Jointly Venturing would again like to thank Grahame for joining us in Episode 27, and hope to welcome him back again soon to discuss related themes in the Dominican Republic and the wider Caribbean.

ALSO, our COVID RESPONSE FUND is still up! 

Thank you, to all of you who have donated and/or shared so far!