14th Anniversary - Killing of Adolfo Ich Chaman

Rights Action remembers and honors Adolfo Ich Chaman, a Mayan Q’eqchi’ environmental, territorial, human rights defender, killed September 27, 2009, by private security guards working in the mining industry.

Photo: James Rodriguez

In 2020, former army lieutenant Mynor Padilla pled guilty to having shot and killed Adolfo, and –early that day– shot and left paralyzed German Chub. Today, Angelica Choc –widow of Adolfo– continues to spear-head community struggles in the Q’eqchi’ territories of eastern Guatemala, in defense of land, human rights and the environment, resisting the oftentimes violent, corrupt incursions of global hydro-electric dam, agro-industry and mining interests.

Testimonies of Angelica and some family members are included in TESTIMONIO, edited by Catherine Nolin and Grahame Russell

As part of her work and struggles, Angelica –along with German Chub and 11 Q’eqchi’ women– continue to seek a measure of justice in Canada in the landmark Hudbay Minerals lawsuits.

Thank-you Adolfo Ich

Thank-you Angelica for your exhausting and never-ending commitment to struggle in defense of Mother Earth, and Maya Q’eqchi’ human and territorial rights

Source: https://mailchi.mp/rightsaction/killing-of...