Guatemalan Plaintiffs Reach Settlement in Canadian Mining Lawsuits

Rights Action, the Guatemalan Plaintiffs and their lawyers in Canada are pleased to share this press release regarding longstanding lawsuits against Hudbay Minerals. The parties have agreed to a quiet period following the settlement, to allow for everyone, and in particular the Plaintiffs, to focus on getting on with their lives.

Funding & supporting human rights, justice, democracy, land & environment defense work & struggles in Guatemala & Honduras

Since 1995, Rights Action has been working (mainly) in Honduras and Guatemala, funding and supporting justice struggles for war crimes and human rights violations; land, environment and human rights defense struggles that are resisting harms and violence caused by different sectors of the global economy: mining and hydro-electric dams; for-export production of African palm, sugarcane, bananas; the tourism industry and ‘sweatshop’ garment factories. At the same time, Rights Action works to document and denounce political, economic and military interventions in Central America (particularly Guatemala and Honduras) of the U.S. and Canada and other ‘global north’ countries and actors.

While we update our website, please send your questions about our work, past and on-going, to


Education & Activism

Rights Action carries out education and activism work in the U.S. and Canada addressing how our governments, companies and investors often contribute directly to and benefit from human rights violations, repression, environmental harms, exploitation, corruption and impunity in these countries.


Direct Funding

Rights Action channels your donations and grants directly to people suffering human rights violations, evictions and harms caused by the corrupt, repressive, U.S. and Canadian-backed regimes in Honduras and Guatemala, and their global economy business partners, as they fight to stay in their communities, on their lands, defending their human rights and the environment.

"Our privileges are located on the same map as their suffering, and may - in ways we prefer not to imagine - be linked to their suffering. As the wealth of some may imply the destitution of others."

- Susan Sontag